Tuesday, May 21, 2013

May Simply Living Blog Carnival: Daily Lives

Thank you for joining us for this month’s Simply Living Blog Carnival. Here is the code for tomorrow’s carnival. We will send out an update code later in the day tomorrow. We hope you will join us again next month. Also, we will be adding a linky to our sites so that you can link up all of your other posts pertaining to simple living in your daily lives. I will send out a link to that as soon as it posts this week. Thank you again for joining us. I hope you will join us again next month. Be sure to check out the posts from other participants! Mandy Welcome to the May edition of the Simply Living Blog Carnival - Daily Lives cohosted by Mandy at Living Peacefully with Children, Laura at Authentic Parenting, Jennifer at True Confessions of a Real Mommy, and Joella at Fine and Fair. This month, we write about what we do to keep the little things from overwhelming us. Please check out the links to posts by our other participants at the end of this post.

I'm looking forward to reading the posts below, in hopes that they will help me simplify my daily life enough that I might be able to participate in next month's carnival in a more meaningful way! With my recent return to work after my maternity leave, it's all I can do to keep the diapers and pump parts clean! ;) Enjoy this collection of posts, and don't forget to keep it simple! :)


  Thank you for visiting the Simply Living Blog Carnival cohosted by Mandy at Living Peacefully with Children, Laura at Authentic Parenting, Jennifer at True Confessions of a Real Mommy, and Joella at Fine and Fair. Read about how others are incorporating stress relieving actions into their daily day lives. We hope you will join us next month!

  • How I Stay Sane! - ANonyMous @ Radical Ramblings discusses the coping mechanisms she has to stay sane when her life is chaotic and often stressful.

  • Organising - sustainablemum talks about how spending time planning ahead has given her more time for life!

  • Simple Menu Planning for New Moms - No longer a lady of leisure, new mom Mercedes at Project Procrastinot has had to rethink her cooking style in order to maximize her time in the kitchen.

  • Happy Homes/Peaceful Homes - According to Lisa at Squishable Baby, It's the things that bring us closer together as a family - that keep our home Peaceful.

  • Keeping It Simple - At Living Peacefully with Children, Mandy focuses on keeping things simple so that she can spend her time enjoying her family.


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