Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Kid-sized Mini-Swiffer

It's been a little over two years since I asked, in jest, "When do babies learn to mop?" Thanks to my wonderful new friend and childcare provider, who I blatantly stole this idea from, I have the beginnings of an answer!

When we met our new sitter and her children for our first play date in their home, it wasn't long before Delilah spotted a Swiffer that was just her size and started swiffing away. I remarked what a great idea it was to leave a Swiffer out, and how much cleaner my floors would be if I did the same, without even noticing that it was a child-sized version. She explained that she'd just assembled the Swiffers (she has 2, one for each of her littles) by attaching the handle directly to the base and discarding the two center rods. Brilliant!

The next day while Delilah napped, I found our own sorely neglected Swiffer (housekeeping is the thing I'm
pretty much the worst at) and removed the two center rods to make it Delilah-sized. She was ecstatic when she woke to find it, and since then, my floors have never been more beautiful. :)


  1. Teaching kids to be responsible at their young age, great idea. Thanks for sharing, for toddlers 2.5 y/o + up to 60lbs, try Piggyback Rider standing child carrier and you'll surely enjoy your time with kids outside. :)

  2. Fabulous idea! Thank you for sharing it.

  3. They will then marvel at their creation and no doubt tell their parents about how high they have built their tower. Play-Doh is a little messy, but it stimulates the senses with bright colors, soft texture and has lots of add on toys that help mold, cut and craft the Play-Doh into various objects.Sportiniai vežimėliai

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