Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Growing, Growing

Dear Delilah,
Mother/Daughter Manis

I'm usually not much for cliches, but you're growing up way too fast. You're learning new things and grasping new concepts on a daily, sometimes even hourly basis. You can spell your name now (first and last) and are constantly sounding out words to figure out which letters they start with. You have an adorable habit of getting that backwards: "c starts with cat!" or "d starts with Delilah!".

You grow more and more independent by the day, and "I can do it by myself!" is a frequent chorus in our home. You're perfectly capable of helping around the house in meaningful ways, from sweeping, to picking up toys, to dusting, to even helping me with diaper changes and packing the diaper bag. You require no assistance in the morning anymore, you can get out of bed by yourself, use the potty by yourself, get dressed yourself, and let yourself out of your own room. Some mornings, you lay in bed singing "Mama, Daddy, Come say good morning!" anyway.

Morning Snuggles
Despite your independence, you're still quite affectionate, and even occasionally ask to be wrapped up. My heart melted the other day when you asked me to wrap you "on my front," and when I asked why you didn't want to go on my back, you said that you couldn't see my face from back there and wanted to see my eyes. I treasure those snuggles, as I know the days of your willing cuddles are likely numbered.

Wrap: Didymos Sonne-Terra Wool Indio
At this point, you can understand basic reason and are usually willing to cooperate with my requests, as long
as you understand why I'm making them. You challenge me to go beyond "because I said so" every day as I try to explain things in ways that make sense to you.

Wrap: Pavo Pavo Spice
Your empathy for others humbles me. You are so sensitive to the emotions of others, and quick to validate the feelings you see. You are frequently reassuring others that it is okay to be scared, or sad, or angry. You offer a hug or a kind word when you see someone who might need one. Your empathy, sensitivity, and understanding inspire me and fill me with pride for the depth of your character at such a young age. They remind me that its as important to talk about thoughts and feelings as it is to talk about behaviors, and affirm my efforts to instill emotional intelligence.

"T starts with Two!"
My dear Delilah, you are a beautiful human being, inside and out. Your smile lights up a room. Your laughter makes my heart dance. Your silly songs brighten every day, and your nonsensical jokes and herky jerky dance moves are a thing to behold. I love you, and as always, I am grateful and humble for the opportunity and responsibility of being your mother.



Wednesday, April 2, 2014

#365feministselfie March

A collage of my #365feministselfie photos from the month of March! Highlights include my very old kitty, my very new rainboots, a meta selfie with Delilah ("Mama, wanna take a selfie?"), breaking out the flip flops, and of course, lots and lots of babywearing.

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